We manufacture these sheets and plates using different treatments that are suitable
according to the grade composition. This gives them desired mechanical properties and
makes them work in several environments such as corrosive, marine, chloride and
sulfides. The SS 410S plates are the perfect substitute for SS 301 and
304 in mild environments. Its excellent corrosion property makes it useful in moderately
corrosive environments as well.
Thus, our manufactured plates are available to customers across the globe in different
forms such as hot rolled, cold rolled, coils, strips, foils, shim sheets, and circles.
SS 410S Sheets
Stainless Steel 410S Sheets | 410S Stainless Steel Sheet
| UNS S41008 Sheets | 1.4000 Sheets | SUS 410S Sheets |
ASTM A240 SS 410S Sheets | ASME SA240 Stainless Steel
410S Sheets | Stainless Steel 410S Shim Sheets | SS 410S
Sheets Supplier | Hot Rolled 410S Stainless Steel Sheet
| 410S Stainless Steel Sheets Stockist | Jindal
Stainless Steel 410S Sheets | Stainless Steel 410S Cold
Rolled Sheets | 410S Stainless Steel HR Sheets | 2B
Finish SS 410S Sheets | SS 410S CR Sheets | Stainless
Steel 410S BA Finish Sheets | 410S Stainless Steel Matt
PVC Sheets | Stainless Steel 410S Sheets Cut To Size |
Stainless Steel 410S Sheets Dealer
SS 410S Plates
Stainless Steel 410S Plates | 410S Stainless Steel Plates
| UNS S41008 Plates | 1.4000 Plates | SUS 410S Plates |
ASTM A240 SS 410S Plates | ASME SA240 Stainless Steel
410S Plates | Jindal Stainless Steel 410S Plates |
Stainless Steel 410S Checkered Plates | SS 410S Plates
Supplier | Hot Rolled 410S Stainless Steel Plate | 410S
Stainless Steel Plates Stockist | Stainless Steel 410S
Cold Rolled Plates | 410S Stainless Steel HR Plates | 2B
Finish SS 410S Plates | SS 410S CR Plates | Stainless
Steel 410S BA Finish Plates | 410S Stainless Steel Matt
PVC Plates | Stainless Steel 410S Plates Dealer
About Stainless Steel 410S Sheets/ Plates
The sheets and plates are manufactured using a low carbon alloy that is a
modification of UNS S41000. It is martensitic stainless steel containing only 12
percent of chromium. The hardening ability of alloy is limited at high temperature
due to the minimum formation of austenite. The alloy doesn’t even become hard when
cooled at a temperature above than critical thus remain ductile and soft. Thus the
UNS S41008 plates don’t undergo cracking even if they are exposed to high welded
temperatures. However, in annealed conditions, it is completely ferritic.
Corrosion resistance
SS 410 and SS 410S have similar corrosion resistance property. The plates can
even perform well in mild, chemical, alkalis, freshwater, and mineral acidic
conditions. If proper cleaning is done then the SS 410 plates can be used in
everyday activities where chlorine is used.
Oxidation resistance
Stainless Steel 410S Sheets/ Plates offer good
oxidation resistance where it can serve in continuous service at temperature up to
1300 degree F or 705 degrees C. However, excessive scaling is seen in intermittent
service above 1500 degree F or 811 degrees C.
Most Widely Used Austenitic Stainless Steel 410S
Plates, 410S SS Plates Exporter, 410S SS Matt PVC Sheets, 2B / BA Finish
Stainless Steel 410S Plates, Stainless Steel 410S Mirror Finish Sheet,
Jindal 410S SS Sheets, 410S Stainless Steel Sheets, SS 410S Chequered
Plates Distributors in India.
Standards : ASTM A240 / ASME SA240
Size : 1/4" to 4"
Range : 5mm To 150mm
Thickness : 4.0mm - 100mm
Hardness : Soft, Hard, Half Hard, Quarter Hard,
Spring Hard etc.
Finish : Hot rolled plate (HR), Cold rolled
sheet (CR), 2B, 2D, BA NO(8), SATIN (Met with Plastic Coated)
Form : Coils, Foils, Rolls, Plain Sheet, Shim
Sheet, Perforated Sheet, Chequered Plate, Strip, Flats, Blank
(Circle), Ring (Flange)
For more specifications visit - SS 410S Material Properties pdf
Techniques like roll forming, spinning and bending are used to form the 410S
Heat treatment
The sheets undergo annealing at a temperature ranging from 871-899 degree C.
The cold working stress is relieved by air cooling of alloy and it is not exposed to
temperature above 1093 degree C as this can cause embrittlement. In case the large
grains are seen while annealing then the temperature is reduced to 649-732 degree C.
The maximum resistance is achieved by surface preparation that makes it workable
against chemical environments. This is also essential during hot working treatment
and annealing to make it free from oxide formation or heat tint. The sheet surface
is thus well polished or grounds making it free from any traces of oxide. A warm
solution containing nitric acid in 10-20 percentages is used to immerse the parts
which are then rinsed by water. This removes any iron residues from the surface of
Stainless Steel 410S Sheets/ Plates are thus used in ore processing,
gate valves, thermal processing and as of press plates.